Nelson and Colne College Corporation is the legal entity for the three Colleges forming the Nelson and Colne College Group: Nelson and Colne College, Accrington and Rossendale College and Lancashire Adult Learning.
Members of the Board of Corporation are drawn from business, professional, public sector and community backgrounds. They bring a range of skills, expertise and experience to the boardroom. The Board of Corporation also includes the Principal, two staff governors and two student Governors. The Board works as a team to determine the strategy and future direction of the College Group, and its responsibilities are to:
We have an active Board of Corporation who play a key role in the ongoing development and direction of our College Group. Board members have adopted the Nolan’s seven principles of public life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership) in carrying out these responsibilities.
Nelson and Colne College Group is committed to open and transparent governance. Enquiries are welcome to Debbie Corcoran, Director of Governance on 01282 440204 or to
Nelson and Colne College Corporation was established under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and the College is an exempt charity for the purposes of Part 3 of the Charities Act 2011.
The College Group is administered under the Instrument and Articles of Government which are Statutory Instruments made under the Act and which set out the rules for the constitution and operation of the Corporation.
Click here to find out more on the Nelson and Colne College Group Website.